Vága Airport (Faroe Islands) receives approval for FarCargo Boeing 757 aircraft, that will operate twice-weekly flights also to Brussels


After facing regulatory hurdles, Vága Airport in the Faroe Islands has finally obtained approval to receive FarCargo’s Boeing 757-200 aircraft.

Regin I. Jakobsen, the airport manager, confirmed that next week, FarCargo’s Boeing aircraft registered SE-RLE will be able to land and take off from Vága airport with final approval. The airport had received an interim licence over a month ago, but challenges arose due to the larger wingspan of FarCargo’s aircraft compared to the airport’s specifications.

Despite a previous setback where the aircraft was unable to land due to regulatory restrictions, next week’s approval signals a positive development for the airport and the Swedish company West Atlantic, which operates the aircraft for FarCargo.

The company will operate twice weekly flights to Brussels Airport, with a cargo essentially of fresh salmon.


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